Individual and tem-based Readiness Assessment Tests (iRAT/tRAT) are an important component of the Team-Based Learning (TBL) style flipped classroom. However, they can be tedious to generate and modify over time because of the requirement to fit a specific IF-AT answer key. This package provides tools to generate RATs in HTML, PDF or Word format straight from a collection of questions, answer options, and answer keys maintained in Excel. Due to the use of the RMarkdown document format, it is easy to customize RAT worksheets and all RMarkdown supported text formatting is supported for questions and answers (including complex Latex equations and PNG/JPG images).

Software requirements

To generate an HTML, PDF or Word document for an iRAT/tRAT, you need the following software installed:

Getting started

The easiest way to get started is to run the following chunk in your R console (adjust the parameters as appropriate for your RAT):

  module = "module",
  n_questions = 10,
  n_options_per_q = 5
#> Info: creating RAT directory 'module' in working directory
#> Info: creating 'module/module.xlsx' RAT questions template...
#> Warning: `tbl_df()` was deprecated in dplyr 1.0.0.
#>  Please use `tibble::as_tibble()` instead.
#>  The deprecated feature was likely used in the tbltools package.
#>   Please report the issue at <>.
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
#> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
#> generated.
#> complete
#> Info: creating 'module/module.Rmd' RAT generation template... complete
#> Finished: Please modify 'module/module.xlsx' to write questions and answer options on the 'questions' tab, and fill in the correct IF-AT answer key on the 'key' tab. Please knit 'module/module.Rmd' to HTML/PDF/Word to generate the RAT. Adjust function call parameters as needed.

That’s it, you have successfully generated an RAT template! The new RAT starts out with place holder questions and answers in the generated module.xlsx file (note that if you changed the module parameter above, the file named accordingly). You can see what the resulting RAT would look like simply by opening and knitting the module.Rmd (again, file name corresponds to your module parameter) to the desired document format. If you do this for the first time, RStudio may ask you to install some additional packages and software including pandoc. If you are not working in RStudio, you will have to manually knit the document and call pandoc to generate the PDF.

See the resulting HTML, PDF, and Word files.

Customizing your iRAT/tRAT

You can design your RAT any way you like by modifying:

  • The questions tab in the module.xlsx Excel file. This is where you can modify your questions and answers. The only columns that are absolutely necessary are question, answer and correct but include is useful to change which questions to include in the RAT and layout can be useful for additional formatting. The questions and answers themselves are also in Markdown format and support the inclusion of images as well as equations (in latex format).
  • The answer key tab in the module.xlsx Excel file. This should reflect the correct answers on the IF-AT for the test. The tbltools functions will automatically ensure that the correct option is placed with the right answer when generating the questions. If any questions don’t have enough answer options to fit their location on the test (e.g. a TRUE/FALSE question but the correct answer is D) you will get an error message from tbltools. See the Demo RAT for examples of how to place specific questions in specific locations even if the question order is randomly generated.
  • The text in the module.Rmd file to include whichever instructions you would like to show on your test. All standard Markdown formatting is supported.
  • The tbl_... commands in the chunks of the module.Rmd file. You can run each chunk locally in RStudio to see what is generated and modify any of the parameters to change how the questions are arranged. Additional functionality includes, for example, possibilities for randomizing the question order across the whole test or within question groups, changing the starting number associated with the tRAT (if re-using an IF-AT sheet across multiple tests), and giving students the option to choose multiple answers for bet-hedging during the iRAT. For details on the functions and parameters, consult the tbltools reference documentation or type ?tbl_create_RAT_from_excel, ?tbl_arrange_RAT_questions, and ?tbl_generate_RAT_choices in your R console.

After making any edits, simply re-knit the Rmarkdown file to HTML, PDF or Word. For a few examples on some of the customization options, please see the Demo RAT below.

Demo RAT

For an example of a full RAT that demonstrates several customization features, please run the following code in your R console. This will create a demo subfolder in your working directory with the RAT demo.Rmd and demo.xlsx files (+ image files used in the RAT). As with the tbl_setup_RAT_template above, you can simply knit the Rmd file to generate the RAT yourself or take a look at the resulting HTML, PDF, and Word files online.

#> Info: creating 'demo' directory
#> Info: copying demo RAT files... finished. Please knit 'demo.Rmd' to HTML/PDF/Word.